Friday, April 18, 2008

First Week Home

We had our first taste of medicine, and seemed to like it. Hopefully it will stay that way.

We love spending time with daddy after he gets home from work. We also learned real quick that daddy can't feed me like mommy can.

She has learned to love her bouncy seat, Grandma Debbie got her. She will spend hours in her bouncy seat watching mommy and daddy watch tv, eat, or playing games.

We went for our walk. Brooke really enjoyed it until the sun got in her eyes. She didn't much care for that, but as soon as mommy adjusted her sunshade, she went back to her happy sleepy self.

We've learned when she makes cute faces, she gets alot of attention from the camera.

We learned that the boopy can be used for more then just feeding times. She loves her boopy.

We had our first trip to a resturant. Taco bell of all places, but she didn't seem to care.

Brooke had her first doctors appointment today. She weighed 7 lbs and 7 ounces, and is the 21% for weighed. She also measured at 20 inches long, and is in the 36% for height. She also got her appointment set up for her surgery for her tongue tied tongue. She won't have that until she is 3 months.

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