Sunday, April 27, 2008

Brooke's First Two Weeks

Brooke is enjoying her playmat that her Great Aunt Kira, and Cousin Evelynn got her.

Brooke also got to enjoy her first bath. She seemed to like this bath alot better. The only time she fussed was when I was washing out the shampoo of her hair, and the water got into her face.

I got all excited after Brooke's sponge bath, because her hair started to curl. But when it dries it goes back straight. Hopefully when she get older and more hair it will go curly.

Brooke getting her first sponge bath. She didn't much care for it. She peed, and screamed for most of her bath.

Brooke enjoying her first baby doll, that Julie got for her.

Brooke's 1st bottle, with someone one other then Mommy or Daddy. Grandma Carol, ( Cody's Step Mom ) got the honors.
Brooke has spent most of her two weeks alseep, but is slowly starting to get more active. As you can see in the pictures above.

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